After watching the film Gentlemen’s Relish, I have come to find that the way things were starting to develop back in those times were being portrayed as so true. It was not something that was taken very lightly in the beginning. The art form of paintings that you would find during that time of nude woman was not uncommon at all. It wasn’t unnatural to see that. Now a day seeing that type of work based in photography no one will turn a strange eye away from it. During that era as it was being introduced in the world of photography people would try to find it a little obscene at first, until they had the opportunity to really view it as beauty in its own form. In its time it was also a way to start getting it out there as a form of pornography but in a subtle then it is perceived as today. As far as how the photographer got hoaxed into doing the type of nude photography is not that uncommon. There are many different types of people these days that will try and work that same idea into the world of photography today with out it falling more into the porn industry. There is always a middleman that is trying to get out of it everything that he can financially. With that being said, today its even better with all the copyright laws that we have in place it makes it a lot easier for someone’s photos to stay controlled by the actual photographer. Instead of by the middleman who wants to try and squeeze what he can out of it as shown in the film.
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